Furutech e-TP60 AC Power Distributor (US Version)
Furutech e-TP60 AC Power Distributor (US Version)
Furutech e-TP60 AC Power Distributor (US Version)
Furutech e-TP60 AC Power Distributor (US Version)
Furutech e-TP60 AC Power Distributor (US Version)
Furutech e-TP60 AC Power Distributor (US Version)
Furutech e-TP60 AC Power Distributor (US Version)
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Furutech e-TP60 AC Power Distributor (US Version)

SKU: Furutech e-TP60
RM 1,589.00  RM 1,430.10
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AC Power Distributor Brand New
US version

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AC Power Distributor


GC-303 EMI-Absorbing Internal Coating.
How can you tell you’re a victim of polluted AC power? Listen and look for these symptoms:
Flat, hard, and grainy high frequencies, a thick and bloated midrange, fat, uncontrolled bass, and loss of air and soundstage stability.
On video displays the picture resolution is less than sharp, with “ghosting”, color shift, “snow”, or vertical and horizontal lines.
If this looks and sounds familiar, you need Furutech!

Also available in 230V schuko model (e-TP60E)


The e-TP60 is a sophisticated, luxuriously made power distributor that eliminates many common problems found with audio and video components caused by massively contaminated electrical power.
The AC waveform becomes severely distorted by ground noise, voltage spikes and sags,high frequency power supply noise from other components in your own system, plus radiated high frequency digital noise from processors and digital interconnects.
There are also distortion products at the top and bottom of the AC waveform created by switch-mode power supplies in electronic devices on the same circuit. Additionally, you’re never alone; your residential AC mains supply is shared with other apartments, homes, and businesses on the same utility transformer. That’s why many audio and video enthusiasts notice their systems are more enjoyable late at night or on weekends!

The beautifully crafted special grade aluminum chassis effectively shields against another common problem,
RFI (Radio Frequency Interference), and a layer of Formula GC-303 blocks EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference).
Internal wiring is FURUTECH μ-14 wire(14 AWG) that guarantees low resistance.
Furutech Hyper Quality High Performance Receptacles are wired to the IEC AC input of the e-TP60.
Receptacles feature 24k gold-plated phosphor bronze, non-magnetic conductors for stable, long lasting, optimized power transfer.

Furutech’s Two-Stage Cryogenic and Demagnetization Alpha Process
The Final Result
The 2-Step Cryogenic and Demagnetizing Alpha Process works in tandem with other design-in features to create the most optimized AC power transfer possible.
Furutech’s total awareness and devotion to detail results in a greater sense of power, dynamics, and resolution, with cleaner, blacker backgrounds and a larger, more stable soundstage, vivid tonal colors and deeper extension at both ends of the frequency range.
The e-TP60 will allow the delicacy, refinement and nuance of a performance through, along with micro- and macro-dynamics that will leave you breathlessly engaged. Displays of all types will exhibit greater, sharper resolution with less ghosting, color shift, “snow”, or vertical and horizontal lines.

荣获2005年度日本BEST COMPO杂志奖项

本新产品( FURUTECH e-TP60 +GC-303 AC Power Distributor ) 是因应目前的AV器材,因为使用了「污染电源」而无法将器材的功能完全发挥出来而设计开发的产品。

电压 AC 220V-240V 50/60Hz
电流 15 A



大电流用插座,绝对不采用对于音质有害的直列式NOISE FILTER及对音质有不良副作用的并列式NOISE FILTER,因为当电流通过时,因量能受到压抑而造成跃动感的衰减,产生无力感。





Furutech e-TP60 电源排插


一套系统是否会有够水准的表现,我想电源处理的妥当与否,是仅次于空间第二大的影响因素。在费心的处理过电源之后,若是没能使用质优的插座,那也是功亏一匮。以往音响迷仅有医院级的插座可供选择,音响室的电源部分若使用医院级插座,在大多数人眼中即可算是相当发烧的做法,但在越来越多的「Audio Grade」插座问世之后,医院级插座已不再是音响迷的第一选择,导体质精声音纯美的「发烧级」插座成为他们的新宠。





  e-TP60与PRO.28N的不同处在于,首先它采用三组共六位插座,这较PRO.28N多一组。e-TP60的外壳虽然与PRO.28N相同皆为铝合金材质,但PRO.28N所用者为Hubell电源盒代工品,上盖板也为不锈钢材质,而e-TP60所用铝材的阻绝性较佳,且上盖板与外壳材质相同,更可将干扰减到最低。另外,配在线两者也有不同,e-TP60所用者为线径14AWG的μ导体单股配线,与PRO.28N的多蕊细无氧铜线不同。最值得一提的是,e-TP60插座底部贴有一层名为「Formular GC303」的特殊物质,它可以将透过导线穿入的噪声吸除,让整体的声音表现更上曾楼。






・VOLTAGE AC 220V-240V 50/60Hz
・Outlets 6 Outlets

・Dimensions 200X130X60 mm
・WEIGHT 0.94Kgs
・Formula GC-303

GC-303 is a special material that Furutech layers and bonds to the interior bottom-plate of the chassis. It actually absorbs EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) generated by the internal fittings of the unit. The e-TP80E uses no other filtering besides GC-303 so AC resistance is kept to a minimum, allowing a more resolving, powerful, dynamic, and colorful performance from your components

本体材质 铝合金面板+铝合金成型
外型尺寸 200X130X60 mm
重量 0.94Kgs

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