Klipschorn 70th Anniversary Edition (Display Unit)
Klipschorn 70th Anniversary Edition (Display Unit)
Klipschorn 70th Anniversary Edition (Display Unit)
Klipschorn 70th Anniversary Edition (Display Unit)
Klipschorn 70th Anniversary Edition (Display Unit)
Klipschorn 70th Anniversary Edition (Display Unit)
Klipschorn 70th Anniversary Edition (Display Unit)
Display Unit

Klipschorn 70th Anniversary Edition (Display Unit)

SKU: Klipschorn 70th (DU)
RM 79,550.00
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70th Anniversary Edition
Only 70 Pairs In The World
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70 周年纪念版 Klipschorn 音箱

Paul W. Klipsch 于 1946 年卖出了他的第一台 Klipschorn,自那以后这款产品始终没有停产。事实上,Klipschorn 是唯一一款连续超过 70 年从未中断生产的音箱。

好好想想这一点。It’s an absolute testament to the quality and perfection of his design, standing the test of time against all newcomers.We would put this up against any speaker, past or present.

Known to many as the original corner-horn loudspeaker, its patented low-frequency horn boasts a unique design that utilizes the floor and walls of the listening room to complete the horn, increasing the low frequency extension and efficiency.The folded low frequency enclosure offers the most efficient use of space possible.

The design is so efficient that you can run Klipschorns with just one watt of power.ONE WATT!

Simply put, this is fundamental design that cannot be improved because the law of physics says so.Case closed.

The 70th Anniversary Klipschorn speaker is a soul-stirring tribute to Paul W. Klipsch’s iconic design.We made only 70 pairs of these speakers – all by hand in the humble town of Hope, Arkansas, where Paul W. Klipsch always made them.

With such a limited production run, each of these speakers will hold a special place in American audio history, as well as in our hearts.We take great pride in saying that these speakers will not only be for you, but for each generation of your family that you pass them onto.


全球知名的美国音响生产商Klipsch音响一直以其享誉全球的卓越品质保持其在业界无可替代的地位,是历史最悠久的音响制造商之一。今年是Klipsch成立七十周年大庆,为了纪念这个特殊的日子,杰士公司于近日推出了Klipschorn 七十周年限量版和Heresy 七十周年限量版,这两款音箱最能体现Klipsch音箱制作的精湛技艺和历史文化,音箱的箱体均采用了充满了异国情调、纹理紧密而均匀的澳洲胡桃木(因其生长在澳大利亚北部昆士兰地区的沿海高原上,又名昆士兰胡桃木) 材料精制而成,由阿肯色州工人全手工制作,其中Klipschorn音箱限量生产三十五对,Heresy音箱限量七十对,每一只音箱上都贴有证明其身份的序列号标签,未来这两款音箱将具有相当不俗的收藏价值。

Limited Edition Australian Walnut

This show-stopping veneer is a unique feature to the 70th Anniversary Klipsch Heritage speakers.While it looks terrific in photos, be ready for your jaw to drop when you see it in person.

We sourced this limited veneer from the costal tablelands of North Queensland, Australia.The Australian Walnut veneer varies in color, but is usually a pale-golden hue highly contrasted with darker streaks of chocolate brown, grey, black or even pink.

Please note that each pair of 70th Anniversary Klipschorn speakers will have a slightly different finish to it, giving your set it’s own personality.These speakers will be uniquely yours.


为庆祝杰士公司(Klipsch)成立七十周年推出的Klipschorn 七十周年限量版

Klipsch(杰士)公司的创始人保罗·瓦特(Paul W.Klipsch)可谓音响界的传奇人物,从1946年在美国阿肯色州Hope小镇的简陋工棚里创立了Klipsch,并同时推出Klipschorn(号角皇)伊始,便开创了高保真音响的先河。那经过精密计算的号角通过折叠方式安装在音箱体内,使号角专利成为Klipsch音响的动力源泉。它的到来,让人们有史以来第一次可以在自己家中就能够体验到现场演出的震撼效果、细致表达和丰富情感。时至今日,为了见证这段拥有七十年光影的传奇历史,两款音箱均采用了全新设计的复古金属防尘罩以及全新密闭后辐射低频号角,经升级后在听音室中有了更多灵活的摆放位置方式

Book-Matched Wood Veneer and Speaker Pairs

What the heck is book-matched veneer, you ask?Well, it’s a process that is treasured more than any other cut of wood veneer.The veneer leaves are kept in order as they are delicately sliced from the timber and precisely arranged to provide a mirror image at the splice joint – like turning the pages of a book.Not only is this aesthetically pleasing, it allows for a consistent appearance.

Each 70th Anniversary Klipschorn is carefully inspected and labeled with sequential serial numbers, ensuring that the Heritage series speakers leave the factory as a meticulously crafted set.These speakers are legitimate heirloom items.They can stay in your family for generations to come.

七十年前,Klipsch创造了传奇的 Klipschorn音箱,时至今日,这款音箱成了唯一一款已经持续生产了长达七十年之久的音箱,为了见证这段非同一般的传奇历史,Klipsch(杰士)公司为每一对 Klipschorn音箱都贴上了特定的证明其身份的序列号标签,并携刻上制作工匠师傅的亲笔签名。音箱那具有独特的银色光泽的金属防尘罩也为美丽的澳大利亚胡桃木箱体增添了无限光彩。而在Heritage系列的制作中,Heresy 70周年限量版则采用了全新的黑色磨砂材质的箱体支撑脚,限量七十对,Klipsch(杰士)公司对每一组音箱均选用同一块木材的木质面板相拼饰面,纹理整齐均匀,两只音箱经过精心匹配后,组成美观匀称、非常相像的一对,通过检测合格,同样被贴上象征身份的带有序列号的标签,一对对如艺术品般精细雕琢的Heritage系列音箱就此横空出世,再次引领家庭影院音箱的复古潮流。对Klipsch(杰士)公司和全球的Klipsch发烧友来说,每一台音箱都是那么弥足珍贵而富有吸引力,都有着独一无二、不同凡响的深远意义。

With the 70th Anniversary Klipschorn, you aren’t just buying a speaker; you’re buying a piece of American audio history.Each speaker features a small plaque identifying its numbered sequence in the series and has been signed by its craftsman.

New Nameplate

It was an extremely tough decision to remove the iconic PWK badge from the top left/right corner of the Klipschorn; however, we believe that this new Klipschorn badge is the perfect fit for the limited edition model.The cursive font had actually been used in years past, so it’s a nice tribute to Paul W. Klipsch’s original decision.

Silver Luster Grille Cloth

The new, cursive Klipschorn logo is attached to a breathtaking silver luster grille cloth that we have never used before except on the 70thAnniversary Klipsch Heritage speakers.It has the appearance of chain-link armor, giving these limited edition speakers a rather bold and contrasting appearance.It’s simultaneously tough and elegant.

New Low-Frequency Horn

While it’s darn-near impossible to improve upon Paul W. Klipsch’s timeless Klipschorn design, we have tweaked it to get even more performance versatility.The rear low-frequency horn has been enhanced and is fully enclosed, offering more placement versatility in the listening room.While we still recommend placing the 70th Anniversary Klipschorn in a corner, we’re sure that many Klipschorn owners will appreciate the added flexibility.

What do you think of the 70th Anniversary Klipschorn speaker?Post your thoughts in the comments below!

FREQUENCY RESPONSE (+/- 4 dB) 33 Hz - 17 kHz
SENSITIVITY1 105 dB @ 2.83V / 1m
MAXIMUM SPL 121 dB Continuous
MF: 450 Hz
HIGH FREQUENCY DRIVER K-77-D 1” (2.54cm) Phenolic diaphragm
compression driver
MIDRANGE K-55-X 2” (5.08cm) Phenolic diaphragm
compression driver
LOW FREQUENCY DRIVER K-33-E 15” (38.1cm) Fiber-composite cone
woofer with a trihedral exponential
folded horn
INPUTS Dual binding posts / bi-wire / bi-amp
HEIGHT 50.75” (128.9.4cm)
WIDTH 31.25” (79.38cm)
DEPTH 28.25” (71.75cm)
WEIGHT 175 lbs. (79.5kg)

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