Roksan K3 CD DI Player Made In England
Roksan K3 CD DI Player Made In England
Roksan K3 CD DI Player Made In England
Roksan K3 CD DI Player Made In England
Roksan K3 CD DI Player Made In England
Roksan K3 CD DI Player Made In England
Ready Stock

Roksan K3 CD DI Player Made In England

SKU: Roksan K3 CD DI Player
RM 11,760.00  RM 10,584.00
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Lazada Shopee
At the heart of the Roksan K3 CD is the Texas Instruments PCM1798 24 bit/192kHz DAC (Digital to Analogue Convertor). This helps offer superb resolution without sacrificing refinement; bringing music to life without it becoming overbearing. In order to further enhance precision and reduce the distortion effects of jitter, the K3 also features a custom-made, high precision Master Clock Crystal. A high quality toroidal transformer with seven fully regulated power rails ensures the purest, lowest distortion sound possible.

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2) Maybank Credit Card up to 18 months ( Shopee )
3) PBB Credit Card up to 12 months ( Shopee )
4) OCBC Credit Card up to 36 months ( SLAV )

Magazine Review Available Now, Please Press Review Button Below.


With the unique and stylish K3 aesthetics, the K3 CD Player delivers a full and wide sound with increased detail retrieval and a smoother, more ‘analogue’ sound. It also also features both an additional optical and RCA digital input for increased flexibility of use.


  • Elegant steel chassis design
  • Superior build quality
  • High quality PCM1798 24bit / 192kHz DAC
  • High precision, custom made Master Clock Crystal
  • 110 Ohm balanced gold plated XLR digital output
  • 75 Ohm RCA gold plated RCA digital output
  • Optical Toslink digital output
  • Gold plated RCA analogue outputs
  • Front loading CD drawer
  • Fully functioning display – time elapsed, time remaining on track and disc
  • Shuffle play.

Operating System    CD Digital Audio System (CD, CD-R, CD-RW)
Frequency Response    20Hz – 20kHz (± 0.2dB)
Harmonic Distortion    < 0.002% @ 0dB, 1kHz
< 0.006% @ -30dB, 1kHz

< 0.004% @ 0dB, 20Hz

< 0.008% @ 0dB, 20kHz

Intermodulation Distortion    < 0.0015% @ 0dB
S/N Ratio (IHF-A Wtd.)    < 96dB L&R
Wow & Flutter    Quartz Precision
Channel Separation    100dB @ 1kHz
80dB @ 20kHz
Output Voltage    2.2V rms
Digital Outputs    75Ω Coaxial (RCA)
110Ω Balanced AES/EBU (XLR)
D/A Conversion    PCM1730E Advance Segment,
Audio-Stereo DAC
Resolution / Sampling    24 bits / 192 kHz
Oscillation    3rd Overtone Oscillation
Crystal    Super Precision, Custom Made
Jitter    < 150 psec
Idle Pattern    < -107dB L&R
Stop-Band Rejection    < -98 dB
Power Supply    High Performance Toroidal Transformer
7 Fully Regulated Power Rails
Power Consumption    < 15W
Dimensions (W x H x D)    432 x 380 x 105mm (Incl. Feet)
Weight    9kg

Roksan K3 CD 5 Stars review By What Hi Fi

Roksan does it again with a CD player that looks, and sounds, the part... 


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Our Verdict 

The CD Di is another five-star product worthy of its place in the K3 range


Large, confident soundscape

Rhythmically superb

Attractive and built to last


Nothing of note Granted, a cane and a top hat won't make you Fred Astaire, but some hi-fi gear does just look the part. The Roksan K3 CD Di is some such hi-fi.

Thankfully, Roksan has considerable previous for designing products that play the part as well. The Caspian M2 (£1900), for instance, has a mantelpiece full of What Hi-Fi? Awards, and we aren't expecting this to be far off the pace.



A CD player with digital inputs, the CD Di joins the K3 range alongside its sole-purpose CD player and the five-star rated K3 integrated amplifier.

Roksan suggests its ability to perform solely as a DAC makes it a one-box “audiophile hub”. (The Caspian M2 doesn't have the digital inputs of some of its competitors.

This does, and is capable of handling data streams up to 24-bit/192kHz).



From the opening call and answer of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No3 in C Minor, played by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, our visual impression is affirmed.

It's a matter of character: the instruments sound rich, are well organised and set in a magnificent amount of space, but it is the purpose in their voices that sets the K3 CD Di apart.

The sound is confident in its attack – but rendered sympathetically enough, as if aware of itself, so as not to become overzealous – and great expressiveness in its dynamics makes the piece feel like a conversation between instruments.

Next we try a piece with vocals, Sigur Rós's Í Gær. The music box-like glockenspiel and organ introduction elegantly showcases the rhythm and organisation of the K3 CD Di, building eerily with a dreamily off-kilter dance until the snare interrupts like a gunshot.

You may find some rivals have a touch more rhythmic drive and precision, but there is a confidence in everything else Roksan does that’s impressive

Jonsi's voice is full of magisterial triumph. While full-bodied, with enough of a platform to stand out, it isn't thrown forward or separated from the rest of the instruments.

The K3 CD Di lets the vocals soar along with their accompaniment, baring its intensity with a natural effortlessness. That said, we're less-than-surprised to hear a voice befitting the character Roksan has emitted from everything else we've heard on this CD player.

After a number of rather sweeping compositions, we lighten the load with Nick Drake's Cello Song. It sounds muscular, but delicate; the finger-picking is faultlessly rhythmic on the acoustic guitar, the skin drum pops, the cello mournfully sings and Drake's voice cherishes its fragility.



A tricky live recording, Miles Davis's Spanish Key, is no problem for the K3 CD Di either. The sextet avoids disorder, allowing the jazz and funk rhythms to fuse, keeping its head above water despite the piece's avant-garde improvisational style.

Anyone spending more than a grand on a CD player, albeit one capable of being used separately as a DAC, probably isn't doing so with the idea of upgrading in the near future at least.

That’s why, when we award the K3 CD Di five stars, we’re happy it’ll keep you satisfied for a long time.



There are plenty of players at this price offering sound-per-pound scale and detail, but few are so musical.

Roksan has again designed a product promoting the character of what it’s playing, regardless how subtle or opaque that character may be, and that’s why you’ll never tire of listening to it.

See all our Roksan reviews

Sound  - 5 Stars

Features  - 5 Stars

Build  - 5 Stars





19/02/2016 • ARCHIMEDES















現時K3系列有着三個型號,分別是兩款CD機與一款合併機,全數擁有那塊簡潔、精緻的面板。是次測試的主角是K3 CD Player,另有一台K3 CD Di,前者擁有後者沒有的Coaxial RCA及Toslink輸入,在失真、Jitter數據上亦稍為佔優,兩者同樣擁有Coaxial RCA、AES/EBU、Toslink三種數碼輸出介面。


面板以外,機殼以鋼板屈摺而成,首先檢視K3 CD Player的內臟,左方是供電部分,安放了一隻環型變壓器,另有七組穩壓,以確保對電壓極為敏感的數碼處理部分,得到純淨的能源;DA部分以一枚Burr Brown PCM1798晶片為核心;拾訊機芯被凌空架機,支撐部分裝有軟質阻尼物。整體設計是那麼熟悉、可靠、行之有效。



K3 Integrated Amplifier


K3合併機亦有同一取向,即是由外型、線路以至操作同樣簡單直接,功能亦十分齊全兼實用,3.5mm耳機輸出、AV Bypass、MM唱頭放大器、藍牙aptX無線串流播之外,還有一組前級輸出,可用於接駁超低音揚聲器,或是另一台後級,組成Bi-Amp系統。

這款合併機同樣以一組環牛負責供電,不過容量就大幅增加至550VA,與五組穩壓、一對Samwha製造的8200μf水塘一同工作;放大線路與供電由一沉熱器分隔,以收散熱及隔離之效;藍牙接收部分安裝在模擬線路之下;安裝在沉熱器之上,是四對IRFP240 MOSFET功率管;每聲道輸出為150W(8Ω),阻抗跌至4Ω,輸出提升至300W。



試音地點選擇了本刊細房,無論是面積還是中至近場聆聽的設定,亦較為切合K3目標用家所面對的環境。揚聲器是PMC twenty.22,體積與價位合理之餘,其中性、敏感、對擴音機有要求等特性,亦適合用作參考揚聲器。

在正式試聽之前,首先為它尋求合適線材與揚聲器擺位,以《Chopin: Concertos Nos. 1&2》(Krystian Zimerman, Polish Festival Orchestra)作參考CD。選來一對Analysis Plus Power Oval 2電源線、Atlas Cables Ascent Symmetrical RCA、Audio Note Lexus LX96喇叭線。一對揚聲器與聆聽位置呈等邊三角形、大Toe-in是PMC廠方指引,這次就以此為基礎,擺出一個面積較細的三角形,揚聲器離背牆約四分之一米,聲音有點呆板,低音解像度不足。


Atlas Cables Ascent Symmetrical RCA似乎更適合厚度稍有不足、需要鞏固下盤、或是應付更大空間的系統,現在這個情況就不太合用。換上爽快型的Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval RCA,活生感馬上湧現,中、高音尤其開揚,只是平衡度有輕微向上傾斜,大提琴、低音大提琴退得較後。

幾經試驗,最後將Burmester Power(CD機)、Gigawatt LC2 Mk2(合併機),換走兩條Analysis Plus Power Oval 2電源線,取Gigawatt的力量、雄壯低音,再以B仔線去柔化這條電源線的棱角,平衡度、活生感、分析力全數歸位,最後減少Toe-in角度,一對揚聲器之間以及與聆聽位置的距離同樣為一米半左右,這下子,連最後一口氣都回來了。




別要誤會K3不夠力,事實上它們與PMC twenty.22產生不錯的化學作用,聲音柔中帶韌,假如聽起來血氣不足,可能只是錯手將K3合併機設切成低增益模式,它的「MODE鍵」有兩種用法,長按的話是進入待機模式,於運作中輕按一次,就會改變增益,留意「MODE LED」亮出紅色就是高,黃色則是低增益。



《Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony》(Mariss Jansons & Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra)

《Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony》Mariss Jansons & Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra


K3在二百餘呎空間內,可算是如魚得水,尤其是音場表現,播放《Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony》(Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Mariss Jansons),無論是闊度還是深度,都有合理而出色的表現。合理,是指沒有穿牆破壁、上天下地,重口味式音場,偶然拿出來嚇一嚇朋友還好,長時間聆聽恐怕令人難以投入音樂之中。





《Beethoven Violin Sonatas – 3》Alina Ibragimova, Cédric Tiberghien



《Beethoven Violin Sonatas – 3》(Alina Ibragimova, Cédric Tiberghien)裏面的鋼琴,就不如小提琴那般矚目,低音重量感並不強,不過型體依然夠大,聲音起伏快速,只是要展現方才提到那道「弧線」,加上低音比起中、高音來得含蓄,故此聽起來有點柔和。鋼琴的閃亮、晶瑩感出色,弱音豐富,通清得猶如琴腔變成透明,直接看(聽)到內裏一切。

《MR. A-Z》(Jason Mraz)

《MR. A-Z》(Jason Mraz)

《Django Unchained》OST

《Django Unchained》OST

聽過Jason Mraz的《MR. A-Z》、電影原聲大碟、《The Best of Blue Note》之後,中、慢板樂曲是K3強項,若然只聆聽兩三分鐘,或會覺得音樂感情似乎不太濃郁、不太搶耳,實質是沒有加料、調味輕手,亦不含侵略性,只是多花一點時間與它相處,就會明白K3是細水長流的類型,不追求霎時刺激。


《The Best of Blue Note》

《The Best of Blue Note》


人聲厚而不濃,送氣聲有點強調,但不覺粗糙;女聲清爽秀麗,不強調甜美。對於音質不太好的錄音,它有不俗的包容力,例如《The Best of Blue Note》開首那些單聲道錄音,聽起來沒有乾、薄、刺耳。


聽得不亦樂乎之際,再試試配合MAD 1920、ProAc Tablette Anniversary兩款英國書架揚聲器,檢視一下方才試聽到的結果,結論是維持原判,Roksan K3西裝的光潔、亮麗,與靈敏度高、低音較豐厚的揚聲器容易產生火花,得出細緻音色、理想定位與立體音場。


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